Monday, July 14, 2008

All play and no work makes Emily a poor girl.

So... I'm broke. haha This past week we opened Kiss Me Kate - which is a bangin' show by the way - and since it was "hell week" I took lots of days off from work. However, I didn't take any days off from spending lots of money... erego, I'm totally broke, and back at work.

I'm typing this from the gorgeous and HUGE kitchen of the children I nanny. Children. The best birth control on the Earth. Today we have already been to swim lessons, the youngest pooped in his pants, bought food for the turtle that the middle child hasn't fed in two weeks... I'm pretty sure it's a miracle that Fred the turtle is still alive, and we've had lunch. Now, with two hours left before their mother returns, they're downstairs playing - and by playing I mean throwing things - and in a few minutes it'll be "reading time"... when does it get to be "Emily takes a nap" time?

.... and I just looked over and see that the middle child has wiped jelly all over the counter... and I'm going to be the one cleaning it up. I LOVE CHILDREN!!!

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