Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Save the drama for your mamma.

Warning: this is a rant.

This has been one of the most frustrating days of all time, and I need to type all this shit out to cleanse my system.

Please, please, please, for my sake, and your own, because if I have to hear much more of it you will be the persons I decapitate first... leave me out of your petty shit. That goes for everyone. I have done a wonderful job this summer staying the hell out of drama. Contrary to popular opinion, I do not love drama... it's actually my least favorite American pastime. I get the wrap of being titled a bitch because I am not afraid to come up to you and say something to you if I think what you're doing is whacked, especially if it's about me. This is not creating drama. This is ending it before it begins. If you don't like it, I'm sorry. Truly, hate me if you want, but that's completely your deal. I would love to be friends with everyone and I don't have a particular issue with anyone that I know of. But, if you happen to have issues with anyone I hang around - don't tell me. I don't care. I'm not choosing sides, and I'm not going to be your go-between.

Please don't think that this means you can't talk to me about things, and yes this sometimes means people, that are bothering you. I'm an excellent sounding board, and I will try to help in any way that I can. And sometimes you just have to bitch and complain and get it all out of your system and then you feel a lot better. I know this. I do this. I say shit to my closest friends about people that I love dearly and don't mean half the things I say, but I have to say it out loud to feel better.

I just don't have a lot of time left before I have to go back to school and then I'll probably not have any human interaction outside of WCU's Musical Theatre department. Not that I want this, just mostly because I'll be so stressed and busy and there are only 24 hours in a day, and I learned freshman year a few of those hours should be spent sleeping. I just don't want the last part of my summer VACATION wasted on crap that doesn't matter in the long run. Life's too short to worry about all this pettiness, so let's just enjoy each other's company in the last few weeks that we have and make wonderful memories together.

I love you all, really, I do. So let's all love each other and get along - even if it kills us.

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