Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Reality Television... worst thing to happen to the entertainment industry since Patti LuPone.

I am so sad that I can't go home on a break and enjoy myself the entire time. I am so sick of coming home and wishing desperately it was time to leave by the end my vacation... and the worst thing is that it's not the entire time I'm here... just at night when my mother insists on watching stupid awful reality television shows. I hate them. I hate them almost as much as I hate Patti LuPone, and that's saying something. Last night I had to sit through over two hours of The Bachelor... stupidest show ever. Lame. No one should watch that show... why do people enjoy watching other people date on television and then be shocked when the relationship doesn't turn out? Of course it's not going to turn out! They met on tv! They don't know anything about the other person! You can't get to know someone on tv, because they aren't going to act they way they really are while they know they are on camera! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out. Anyway - that's beside the point - point is, I had to sit through the entire last episode, and just watching that would have been fine, but no! My mother has to watch the "After the Final Rose" episode that came on right after that one. WHAT? I don't care what happened after the final rose... I could give a shit about some whiny-ass douchebag on tv who cries more than a 40 year old Jewish woman at her son's bah mitzfah! So, I sat through the whole freaking two hours worth of Bachelor on ABC last night before my mother would allow us to watch the movie we rented on the way home. P.S. You should know, that there are two other tvs in our house, but only one dvd player, and that's right - mom's camped out in the living room and refuses to move. Awesome. So that's last night. Tonight, I have to pack whilst listening to another TWO HOUR episode of American Idol... also reality tv at it's worst. AI is not only a crock that is planned out up until the final 10, but it also has given Americans the right to speak freely and attempt to critique the singing ability of others. It gives everyone the right to feel like they are allowed to be a critic... well, allow me to be the first to tell you America - just because you watch AI, does NOT mean you know shit about singing. And that's a fact. So, American Idiot finally goes off and I'm looking forward to an episode of the Mentalist, but no! Mom has to watch "After the Final Rose Part II"! Who comes up with this shit!?!?! Why do you have to have twenty follow up shows on something as completely assinine as The Bachelor!??!?! So hell yes, I complained. Lots. And mom gets pissed and then reverts to the classic - you don't respect me after all I do for you - and it only pisses me off, because me being irritated over your total inability to choose worthwhile television programming has NOTHING to do with how much I do or do not respect you, Mother. Can someone please explain to me the correlation between me complaining on having to watch the fifth hour of shitty television and respecting my mother (after all that she has done for me... blah blah blah). No? Yeah, me either. So I am once again stuck looking as the inconsiderate and ungrateful daughter... and I cannot tell you how old this gets.